Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Celestial the Making of: One Frame Render

Hey everyone! Sorry it has been so long since our last blog post. We've all been SUPER busy here working on Celestial and we have some very cool things coming you way. In the meantime, this blog post will be about our first composited still frame from the film!

As anyone in the industry will tell you, creating a film is group effort and this shot is a perfect example of that! In  this shot the environment was put together by our Director, Phil Wigner, and one of Lead Animators, Chris Sanchez. The textures were done by our Texture Lead, Ward Silverman, and one of our Art Directors, Jacqueline Malvin. Ward also did the matte painting in the background and Jacqueline did the lighting of the scene. Additionally Josh Janousky, our Editor and another of our Lead Animators, did the Compositing of the shot.

Below is a before and after comparison of the scene. The before shot is missing several elements and is how the image came out, straight from the program. The second image is the one manipulated by Josh, who added together all of the elements, color corrected the image, and gave it depth.

This is the shot straight out of Maya without any touchups

This is the finished composite.

As you can see a lot of work went into this one frame, so you can only imagine how much work would go into a full film! We will posting more updates in the near future, so make sure you keep following this blog!